Amina Vom Damjan Hof ~ "A" Hips and Elbows

We are very happy to present our latest breeding female Amina. She carries proudly a deep line of some of the very best examples of the breed worldwide. Line bred on three of the most prominent males of our times (Yasko, Vegas, and Furbo) Amina shows in her physical strengths the power of her bloodline. She has an exceptional head, color, and overall skeletal strength. Strong females produce strong, masculine males so we are very excited expecting her contributions. In addition to an excellent type, Amina has a very stable temperament. She can instantly be trusted with children, other animals and absorbs stressful environments with poise, control, and steady nerves. She instantly adapted to family life and can discern your desires as if she can read minds. Highly intelligent and very sensitive to people Amina is an absolute Joy to live with. We keep saying "how perfect can a dog be!" and we feel truly lucky to own her.
View Amenia's Pedigree Here
SG2 Cina Vom Liparija ~ IPO1, HD ED Normal, DM clear

Astel Hof Arnia
IPO-1, HD - a-normal
Vac-vagvolgyi Raisa ~ Hips HD1 and Elbows ED1

We are very fortunate to have acquired this female out of Hungary. She is a grand-daughter out of the 2017 German Seiger VA1 Gary vom Huhnegrab IPO3. Her father is a very well know stud out of Germany Zasko vom Eichenplatz IPO1 .With this we expect her to bring correct type, good heads and bone to her pups.
View Raisa's Pedigree Here